2nd Source - C111 Chapter 1 Advanced Loss Adjusting

Chapter 1 – Liability Coverage Issues – Environmental Claims

I.  Liability Coverage Issues

-          No standardized wordings for CGL policies
-          IBC developed standard CGL policy wordings for its member insurance companies
-          Always examine the CGL policy that covers the risk to evaluate coverages

Accident and Occurrences

-          Occurrence (as per CGL policy)
Include an accident as well as continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general conditions; added to expand the scope of coverage.
An event is deemed to be one occurrence whether it was sudden – definite as to time and place, continuous, repeated, and difficult to precisely mark.
Events to be covered under the CGL policy must still be fortuitous.
-          Accident
Not defined in the policy;  courts have held that element of suddenness was required in order for a claim to qualify for coverage.
-          Fortuitous
Unintended and unexpected from the standpoint of the insured.
-          Forseeability
Case law has been inconsistently applied;  coverage would apply when an accident has occurred with an unintended result, even if the result was forseeable or the result of a calculated risk.
The loss adjuster must carefully review the policy to see if coverage applies to the loss presented by the claimant.
-          Chance
For coverage to apply the event must be fortuitous; unexpected and unintended as per the standpoint of the insured
-          Intent
If the insured intentionally causes harm, often, coverage will not apply.
If the insured expected or intended the loss to occur then coverage will not apply.
The exception to the rule is in the event where the insured is required to used reasonable force to protect persons or property.
-          Criminality
Insurers have taken the position that it is against public policy to insure a criminal or illegal act and as such these events leading to loss are not covered.
The purpose to exclude such act is to discourage people from harming one another and being protected from the consequences of illegal/criminal actions.
Defense or indemnity costs because of a criminal/intentional act is also not covered; if these expenses were covered it would protect the wrongdoer against civil retribution.

Intentional Acts
-          Vicarious liability with respect to sexual abuse claims are not covered by the policy.
-          Vicarious liability has expanded to include employees sexual abuse acts.
-          Insurers argue that an employee who commits a sexual abuse act against another person during work hours is not acting within the scope of their employment duties and does not fall within the insuring agreement.
-          Most insurers have added wordings to their policy to exclude sexual abuse resulting in damages to the victims.  The perpetrator is solely accountable for their actions as per the insurance policy.  This includes the exclusion for any defenses under the insuring agreement.
-          Employees having broad authority, like in the case where a person provides counseling and other support services to troubled youths, takes advantage of their position and abuses the child, then this illegal act is not covered by the insurance policy.

The Insured's Defective Work
-          Coverage under the CGL policy when it comes to damage resulting from defective products or faulty workmanship is limited to damage resulting from defective the product or faulty workmanship and does not extend to the defective product itself or the work completed.
-          Example; in the course of building a house the contractor did not properly secure one of the walls and it collapsed onto a neighboring property causing damage.  The CGL policy would cover the damage to the neighbor's property and any injuries sustained by the neighbor, since the insured was negligent in not securing the wall.  However, the CGL policy will not cover the damage to the wall itself or any labour cost to re-secure the wall or any injuries sustained to the insured's employees due to the event.
-          The purpose of not covering the property the insured is working on is to discourage the insured from performing his/her work carelessly and then having the insurers redo the work, which the insured should have done properly in the first place.

Defending the Insured
-          Cost of Defense can be so great that it is in the best interest of the insurer to attempt to negotiate settlement;  the plaintiff's (claimant's) attorney has framed the event, giving rise to his/her client's claim, in such a way that it triggers the policy to react and forces the insurer to undertake the duty to defend the insured
-          Duty to Defend is independent of the duty to indemnity;  if issues are difficult to resolve, the insured can force the insurer to defend (by a legal motion) even before the investigation into the claim has been completed; insurer has a duty to defend even if the allegations against the insured are proven false
-          Conflict of Interest is when a lawyer handles both the policy coverage issue and the defense of the claim;  to avoid conflict of interest it is best to have one lawyer deal with the policy coverage issues and another lawyer deal with the defense against the claim
-          Allocation of Defense Cost is a possibility where the insured and insurer may need to share the cost of defending the action and indemnity;  the reasons can be that an occurrence that has existed before the policy was issued but exposure remained (unbeknownst to the insured) and damages presented themselves during the policy term, and the policy is a claims-made form; possibility of multiple policies and defense cost must be allocated amongst the multiple insurers;  insurer can propose a reasonable allocation of costs as coverage may be unclear and insured may accept, however the courts have held when there is no reasonable way to allocate the cost between the insurer and insured, it will be the insurer who will pay in full

-          Excess of Limits is when the damages sought by the plaintiff are greater than the policy limits of insurance; in this case the insurer must immediately notify the insured in writing; the insured can report the excess to his/her own umbrella policy;  if uninsured, then the insured may retain a lawyer (at the insured's own expense) to protect his/her interest for that part of the damages that is in excess of the policy limits
-          Joint Defense Sharing Agreements occurs when there are many insurers involved in one loss and the defense obligation is triggered;  the insurers may choose to appoint the same lawyer to represent the insured;  the multiple insurers will negotiate on the how to share cost of the one lawyer amongst them;  most often a formal defense-sharing agreement may be put into place in order to outline how tactical decisions should be made (by majority or committee or by a principal insurer) and how the cost for defense will be shared

Policy Trigger Approaches
-          The 2 basic policy trigger approaches used in CGL and other liability policies are:
i)  Occurrence based
ii)  Claims-made based

Occurrence Wording
-          Most popular type of wording for CGL and liability policies
-          Coverage is triggered when the incident that causes the loss or "occurrence" takes place during the policy period, the proximate cause of the loss is not specifically excluded, and the loss takes place within the coverage territory (if applicable)
-          Limits coverage to sums that insured becomes legally obligated to pay as compensatory damages because of "bodily injury" (BI) or "property damage" (PD)

Claims-made Wording
-          Rare to see these wordings used for CGL and liability policies
-          Coverage is triggered when a claim is made against the insured during the policy period; the date of the incident causing BI or PD does NOT have to fall within the policy term
-          Example; Concrete foundation of a house is poured in Dec 2003.  The concrete was not mixed properly and a faulty component is added to the mix.  In Feb 2004 the faulty component starts to act and in Apr 2004 damages due to the faulty work has come to light.  The company that mixed the concrete has a claims-made CGL policy effective Jan 1, 2004 and expires Jan 1, 2005.  The owner of the home makes a claim in Apr 2004 against the concrete company for faulty work resulting in damages, and the concrete company's CGL policy will respond using the current term's policy since it has claims-made wordings and NOT use the term effective Jan 1, 2003 and expires Jan 1, 2004.  This is because the claim was presented by the home owner on Apr 2004.
-          Retroactive Date contained in claims made policies;  cut-off date for an incident to qualify for coverage; usually precede the policy's inception date and result in not all claims reported during the policy period are covered;  this limits claims made policy to occurrences that fall within the retroactive period or the policy period
-          Extended Reporting Period; policy does not "expire" for the purpose of reporting claims first made against an insured;  the standard period can be extended further with the addition of an endorsement;  this policy extension allows coverage for occurrences that fall within the policy period but are presented against the policy after the contract has expired;  there is a discovery period which limits this extension and therefore claims presented outside the discovery period (after the policy expires) are not covered

-          The three (3) circumstances that might lead to gaps in coverage are:
i)  change in insurer
ii) when an occurrence form is substituted for a claims-made form
iii) when the wording changes from one policy period to the next, even though the insurer remains the same
-          Professional liability wordings or errors & omissions policies adopt claims-made language; often provides coverage for financial effects of a wrongful act and not for BI or PD
-          Example; An accountant undertakes a faulty audit which leads investors to believe the company is more financially sound than it really is.  The investor's confidence in the company is unwarranted due to the faulty audit.  The company files for bankruptcy after finding out its proper financial position leading investors to lose money.  The investors present a claim against the accountant's errors & omissions coverage during the discovery period but after the policy expires for financial loss due to the accountant's negligence.
-          All CGL policies, whether they cover BI or PD or financial losses do not cover (exclude) fines, penalties, and punitive damages

Coverage Trigger Theories
-          Based on case law & precedents and can help loss adjuster analyze how and when occurrences arise and how they relate to coverage under a liability policy
-          When claims are covered by multiple policies and overlaying policy limits due to overlap in policy terms, the claims process can become very complex
-          The four (4) main coverage triggers developed in Canada and USA, with regards to BI claims, are:
1)       Manifestation Theory
-          injury or disease does not occur until the injury or disease becomes apparent; that is manifests itself
-          CGL policy provides coverage when a TP could have or did become aware of the damage or injury
-          BI Example;  John is exposed to asbestos but does not show symptoms of illness immediately.  After 7 years John develops a persistent cough which he seeks medical attention for.  John undergoes a x-ray which shows his lungs are damaged due to his exposure to asbestos.  The policy that is in-force when John became aware of his disease due to negligence on the part of his company will respond to the claim, even though the exposure happened 7 years ago.  The disease manifested itself (became aware to John) upon his seeking for medical attention for his persistent cough
-          PD Example; In winter, road salt contaminates the concrete floor of a parking garage causing the concrete to deteriorate.  During the winter cars using the roads track road salt into the parking garage on a continuous basis.  After 10 years of this type of exposure the concrete begins to crumble and break, and a large chunk falls onto a parked and unoccupied vehicle.  The vehicle has extensive damage.  Even though the proximate cause started 10 years ago, the manifestation of damages (when the chunk fell on the vehicle) will trigger the policy in-force the time of the damages manifested itself.
2)       Exposure Theory
-          any policy that was in place during the time that the claimant was exposed to the harmful conditions causing injury will respond
-          BI Example;  John worked for his company extracting asbestos leading him to be exposed.  John worked for his company from 1950 to 1965.  John developed a persistent cough in 1992 and found out his lungs were damaged due to his earlier exposure to asbestos.  The policy that were in-force during 1950 to 1965 will be triggered and provide coverage for John's claim
-          PD Example;  ; In winter, road salt contaminates the concrete floor of a parking garage causing the concrete to deteriorate.  During the winter cars using the roads track road salt into the parking garage on a continuous basis.  After 10 years of this type of exposure the concrete begins to crumble and break, and a large chunk falls onto a parked and unoccupied vehicle.  The exposure started from the first day the first vehicle used the parking garage in winter conditions and road salt was applied on the roads.  The policy that would respond would be the one that was in-force during the first winter when the parking garage was open for business.

3)      Continuous or Triple Trigger Theory
-          There are three (3) events that will trigger coverage
a)      During the exposure to the offending product.  Example with John and exposure to asbestos will start from his first exposure to asbestos.
b)      During the latency period when the disease is progressing.  Example with John and asbestos, even though John was not experiencing the persistent cough, the disease was developing and this would be considered during the latency period.
c)      When the injury becomes manifested.  Example with John and asbestos;  As the disease is progressing continuously from first exposure, all the policies in effect over this period will be activated.

4)    Injury In-Fact Theory
-          Holds that a policy will respond if the damage actually occurred during the policy period, whether or not anyone was or could have been aware of it and regardless of when the negligent act or omission to act took place
-          All the policies that were in-force during the period an injury occurs would be triggered;  but not the policies when the claimant was only exposed to harmful conditions
-          BI Example;  Injury occurs as a person first inhales or ingests asbestos.  Injury or damage not detected at the time of the injury will not affect the application of this coverage theory
-          This theory tries to pin-point the time when the injury started to occur, even though the claimant was unaware of it, and also add the continuous progression of the injury until it finally came to light
-          Privest Properties v. Foundation Co. of Canada (1991); the BC Supreme Court said there was no uniformity of opinion on coverage trigger theories but the trend was to adopt the injury in-fact theory for BI claims and manifestation theory for PD claims

Claims Reporting Conditions in the CGL Policy
-          The insured must abide by the claims reporting condition, "Duties in the Event of Occurrence, Claim or Action", to avoid breach of contract

Duties in the Event of Occurrence, Claim or Action
-          An insured must undertake the following to avoid breach of contract:
·         Prompt notification of an "occurrence" which may result in a claim
·         Prompt notice of action against the insured; example if the insured receives a statement of claim (SOC), s/he must immediately notify the insurer
·         Provide insurer with documentation
·         Provide authorization for the insurer to obtain records and other information
·         Cooperate with the insurer in the investigation, settlement or defense of the claim or "action"
·         Assist the insurer to enforce its rights against a responsible party (subrogation opportunities)
·         The insured is not to assume any obligation towards the claimant; example not make any voluntary payment or incur any expense (except for immediate first aid) without insurer's prior consent

Additional CGL Insuring Agreements
-          Additional coverages which are standard under this for are:
·         Personal injury
·         Voluntary Medical Payments
·         Tenant's Legal Liability
-          Additional coverages that are purchased by endorsement, and not standard under this form is:
-          Non-Owned Automobile policy;  covers liability imposed by law upon an insured arising from the use or operation of any automobile that is NOT owned or licensed by the insured but used in the course of the insured's business

Personal Injury Liability
-          Personal injury;  means injury to character, reputation, and position in the community of the claimant caused by libel or slander of the insured
-          Defamatory acts and words on the part of the insured are covered
-          Examples are false arrest, detention or confinement against one's will
-          Liability policies exclude the insured's intentional acts; when the insured knows s/he is making a false statement or wrongfully arresting a person; example - Alex is detained by security for shoplifting, however, the security guard didn't have proof or reasonable cause but did it anyway because of the way Alex was dressed - Coverage will not apply
-          Coverage will be extended if the insured intentionally takes an action because s/he was acting on information believed to be true; example - Alex was detained by security for shoplifting, because security officers were given information that a person matching Alex's description had shoplifted before and had CCTV footage of the same person doing it again just minutes prior to Alex's arrest.  Based on the information security had, they took an action that was reasonable, and if it was a false arrest, then coverage would apply
-          Libel; damaging statement(s) are published; example - Jennifer posts on her face book profile that Mark is a thief because he stole her laptop.  Jennifer saw Mark using her laptop earlier that day and believed that he stole it.  Jennifer later discovered the laptop was with another friend and forgot that she had given permission to this other friend to use it;  this type of slander is covered by the policy
-          Slander; damaging statements/words are spoken; the words are made permanent in some form and results in the victim to suffer through their title or goods, by the spread of malicious lies;
example - Sarah sends a text to her friend that states Alex is a thief because she is missing her laptop.  The friend forwards the text to other friends and finally the text is posted on the internet for it to be seen globally.  It is later discovered that Sarah forgot her laptop at the library.  This is covered under a liability policy under personal injury
-          Slander / Libel can cause injury to a person's reputation by:
·         causing the person to be hated and elicit negative opinions from the public
·         causing others to avoid the victim
·         subjecting the victim to ridicule
·         implicating the victim in a criminal activity
·         damaging the business of the victim
·         suggesting immoral behavior on the part of the victim
-          The purpose of slander or libel lawsuits brought by the victim are:
·         reinstate victim's reputation
·         compensate victim for damages
·         deter others from such acts

-          The heads of damages that are specific to libel and/or slander include:
·         General damages (pain and suffering)
·         Aggravated damages (awarded if the court finds that the defendant acted with malice or spite)
·         Punitive damages (awarded when the court feels that the punishment is warranted for truly outrages and offensive conduct; excluded under an insurance policies)
-          Hill v. Church of Scientology of Toronto; the plaintiff must demonstrate to the court that libel and slander occurred but is not required to submit proof of damages, because damages are presumed
-          The cap on general damages imposed by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Trilogy cases does NOT apply to defamation action; hence the $372,000 cap (2010) for pain & suffering is NOT applicable in libel/slander cases and therefore the damages claim can often exceed policy limits
-          Actions that can be undertaken to mitigate damages due to libel/slander are:
·         If libel was published in good faith
·         If libel didn't involve a criminal charge
·         If the facts, which the statement was based, were mistaken or misunderstood
·         If a retraction was published within 3 days of the receipt of notice or broad cast within a reasonable amount of time
·         The length of time a victim suffers damages is correspondingly shortened by the speed of the apology
-          Defenses available to defend against a claim of libel or slander are:
·         Statement was proven to be true
·         Statement was a fair comment on a situation where the facts of the circumstances are correct
·         The statement by the person alleged to have committed libel/slander was expressing their opinion or inference and not declaring a statement of fact
·         If the statement was provided by a plaintiff and consent was implied, then the publisher of the info will be immune to liability
·         The defense of privilege exists when:
i)  Executive officer is performing in their official duties
Example;  Statement was provided by a person discharging a public or private duty who believed that the statement was true
ii) Qualified circumstances when there is private or public interest in transmitting the info
Example; An employer would be protected for making a negative comment about an employee's performance to a prospective employer as long as they were made in good faith

Medical Payments
-          The most common medical expenses covered under the CGL medical payments insuring agreement are:
·         Immediate first aid
·         Necessary medical surgery
·         Necessary ambulance and hospital services
·         Necessary professional nursing
·         Necessary X-rays and dental services
·         Funeral services incurred by TP accidentally injured on the premises or because of an insured's operations
-          Neither negligence nor any other legal obligation on the part of the insured to the injured party must be proven
-          Expenses must be incurred and reported to insurer within one (1) year of the date of the accident
-          Injured party must submit to any reasonable medical examination by a doctor chosen by the insurer

-          Medical payments coverage excludes:
·         The insured
·         Anyone hired by the insured to do work
·         Tenants
·         Employee of the insured
·         Anyone participating in any type of athletics
·         A person who qualifies for coverage under the provincial worker's compensation plan

Tenant's Legal Liability
-          Coverage applies for damage caused by fire, smoke, explosion or sprinkler leakage to rented premises if it occurs during the policy period
-          If not for this extension in coverage, this type of loss would not be covered since the premises is occupied by the insured
-          In order to properly evaluate the claim a copy of the lease agreement is needed by the loss adjuster
-          Insured's improvements and betterments to the premises is excluded from coverage as it would be covered under insured's property policy

II.  Environmental Claims
-          Oil spills and other environmental claims happen frequently
-          Examples are:
·         Oil spills from residential heating oil storage tanks
·         Methane found in the basement of a home
·         Gasoline contaminates the drinking water
·         Release of toxic fumes or substances from dumping or escape of toxic wastes
-          All of the above may result in either BI or PD or both
-          Long tail between exposure and discovery;  Example - A dairy farmer notices his cows are producing less milk and decided to have the water on his property tested.  The laboratory results showed signs of tire-by products contamination in the water.  A tire manufacturer that was located nearby has been out of business for a number of years and due to negligent disposal of tire-by products the contaminants reached the water supply of the neighboring farmer.  The contamination took a number of years before the by-products contaminated the water.  In the time the tire manufacturer was open, there were multiple policies enforce, and some had umbrella endorsements added on that may respond to this type of loss.  The loss adjuster had to determine which policies were enforce and see if a claims made form or occurrence basis forms were the wording of the multiple policies.  The loss adjuster hired an expert to determine when the contamination actually occurred and for how long.
-          When more than one policy is enforce and is involved over the "pollution period", then the multiple insurers of these policies may be asked to share in the cost of defense or indemnification

Coverage Analysis for Environmental Claims
-          Analysis must be made as to whether an "accident" has occurred or whether any damage as defined by the policy has occurred
-          Issues of forseeability and fortuity must be properly investigated
-          The onus of proving that a policy exists rests with the insured
-          Once the insured proves the policy exists the onus shifts to the insurer to establish the existence of policy limits and/or exclusions

-          When the policy is not available then other sources to find out where a copy can be found are:
·         Retired employees of insurer; if the loss adjuster can find such a person
·         Insured to find some sort of proof that a policy exists; examples - payment of premium, memos advising of insurance contract was enforce
·         Broker may have a copy available in archives
-          Liability policies do NOT cover measures to prevent the possibility of a claim; these are the expenses of the insured in order to operate a business
-          If insured bears expenses to prevent a loss and tries to claim the expense against the insurer, then the insurer can challenge the claim by taking a position that the "damage" has not yet occurred and therefore does NOT qualify for coverage
-          There are unique case laws that "damage" is not completely defined;  Privest Properties v. Foundation Company of Canada et al (1991); The original renovation was conducted by the Foundation Company and involved the application of asbestos fireproofing material.  A second renovation many years later was scheduled and the government ordered the asbestos removed prior to new renovations can begin.  The court ruled that "property damage" was the cause for the new renovations not taking place and that the property was impaired.  Once the property was free from asbestos the property would be ready for renovation
-          Sunset Clause; for reinsurance contract; limits coverage to losses reported within a prescribed period of time; used to limit the reinsurer's exposure to "long-tail" liability exposures, especially for environmental claims

Pollution Exclusions
-          Most liability policies contain a pollution exclusion
-          Older policy forms had exceptions to pollution exclusion and provided limited coverage for certain events
-          New policy forms have a comprehensive exclusion for pollution, and allow the insured's to buy back limited pollution coverage
-          Pollutants; defined in the CGL policy as - "means any solid, liquid or gaseous, or thermal irritant or contaminant including smoke, odour, vapour, soot, fumes acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste.  Waste includes materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed."
-          Most policies exclude seepage and leakage of pollution exclusion and therefore, in order for the occurrence to be covered the loss must be sudden and accidental
-          Since "sudden" is not defined in the policy it is interpreted differently by courts
Example; Murphy Oil v. Continental (1981) - contamination of a neighbors well from a leaking gasoline pipe was found to have taken place over a long period of time.  The court for this case found that the pipe could not "spring a leak" in any manner other than suddenly.  One moment the pipe was working and the next moment it "suddenly" wasn't working and starts to leak.  The court ruled the loss was covered under the interpretation of "sudden and accidental".
Example; B.P Canada v. Comco (1990) - Ontario court went against the Murphy Oil case and decided that the resulting contamination due to a leak of a gasoline storage tank was not sudden and occurred over several years.  The court ruled that coverage did NOT apply and denied the claim.

Property Under the Control of the Insured
-          Common exclusion under most CGL policies are property owned, occupied or rented by the insured
-          Example;  A neighbor's water supply has been contaminated and back tracked to the insured's industrial site.  The Ministry of the Environment (M.O.E) may give orders that the insured's site must be cleaned and any pollutants removed.  The argument presented by the insurer to deny the cleanup costs for the insured site is that the soil is occupied by the insured and property occupied by the insured is specifically excluded by the policy.
-          Any personal property the insured owns or is in the care, custody and control, and is damaged due to pollutants would also be excluded by the standard CGL policy

Causation: What Links the Pollution to the Insured?
-          Identifying the contaminant;  contaminants are all around us and are found in the:
·         Air we breathe
·         Food we eat
·         Water we drink
·         Ground we walk upon
-          Contaminants, like dioxin, that clearly come from pulp and paper bleaching process and pollute rivers and lakes are easy to trace back
-          There are contaminants that can be traced back to a variety of sources, like manmade, or natural forming, or in combination of the two, and the exact source from which the pollutants have originated must be clearly established in order to proceed with a successful investigation and determine if coverages are enforce or the loss is excluded

Experts in Environmental Losses
-          Avoid drawing conclusions based on assumptions
-          Experts may use different techniques like migration patterns or be able to identify the source of the contaminant is not from the insured or is partly the insured's and partly from another source, which will affect how coverage will apply
-          For coverage to apply a positive identification of the source and cause of the pollution is necessary
-          Experts that have credibility in their field of study make the best experts and the loss adjuster should seek such person(s) or teams to properly investigate a pollution claim
-          The type of experts that could be used for environmental claims to help identify, find the source of pollutants and recommend cleanup are:
·         Hydrogeologists
·         Geochemists
·         Soil engineers
-          The type of experts that may be required to prove or disprove the effects of pollutants on animals, plants, and humans are:
·         Toxicologists
·         Epidemiologists
·         Biologists
·         Veterinarians
·         Medical doctors

-          The loss adjuster must manage the use of experts by:
·         Recommending the appropriate experts
·         Arrange and coordinate the assignment
·         Set up a budget and practice cost containment measures
·         Monitor the expert's activities
·         Receive and read reports and recommendations
·         Analyze and coordinate findings
·         Assess the impact on liability and the amount of damages

Investigating an Environmental Claim
-          The two (2) factors which demand a prompt action for an environmental claim are:
i)  Prompt cleanup operation is needed to avoid further contamination
ii)  Prompt action is needed for business to continue
-          Many TP environmental claims allege nuisance.  Nuisance is a difficult tort to defend against because:
·         Negligence does not need to be proven by the claimant to succeed
·         Claimant only has to prove that there right to enjoy his/her land has been interfered with
·         Claimant has to show the interference came from the land owned or occupied by the defendant
-          Because a pollutant is discovered on a TP property does not make the insured liable, the plaintiff must prove that the contaminant came from the insured's property
-          Defenses to nuisance claims are:
·         Reasonableness of interference.  Example - Damages to a parking garage due to road salt wouldn't qualify for nuisance claim because the owner of the garage should accept that without road salt, cars could not operate safely in the winter season
·         Sensitivity of Claimant.  Example - Interference with the plaintiff's electronic radar equipment, due to its highly sensitive nature and need for lots of electrical power, does not qualify for nuisance claim because the defendant, a nearby welding business, also uses electrical power to operate his/her own business and generates heat that distort the plaintiff's equipment
·         Statutory Authority. Example - The local municipality passed a law that prevents residents to recover for losses due to sewer lines or water services provided;  the benefits of these facilities serve the greater public and the losses of the few would cause an increase in cost for the use of these necessary facilities
-          Permissible discharges are the allowance by the government for certain industries to have permission to release pollutants into the environment and this discharge is regulated through a licensing program
-          Example; pulp and paper mills operations have license through the M.O.E to discharge waste water up to 200 parts per billion (ppb) containing dioxin.  As long as the pulp and paper mills stay within this limit they can use their license as a defense for any claim made by a TP for an environmental claim
-          1988 the Federal Government passed the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) which imposes on each province and territory that absolute liability will be applicable on all polluters
-          Absolute liability under CEPA may impose liability on any of the following parties:
·         Occupant of that party
·         Previous owner
·         Previous occupant
·         Person(s) having control of the property from where the contamination originates
-          CEPA does not rely on a finding of negligence because responsibility for pollution is absolute

-          Brownfields are:
·         Contaminated or potentially contaminated urban industrial or commercial sites
·         Legislation has softened absolute liability and polluter-pay principles in the interest of development aimed at rejuvenating the economy
-          Assessing environmental exposures is one of the adjuster's role and needs to be done to recommend reserves.  The loss adjuster should do this by:
·         Estimate the entire loss and cost to cleanup
·         Estimate the insured's liability and making the appropriate adjustments for other defendants involved
·         Consideration of the allocation theory; example - how many years was the insured exposed and to what amount per year?
·         Identification of insurance policies available for each coverage year; taking into consideration any policy limits and exclusions
·         Identification of policies the current insurer is named in
·         Defense costs for the insured
·         Consideration of defense sharing agreement, if other insurers are involved
·         Estimated costs of defending coverage issues
-          There are great costs to defending environmental claims and the cost to contest coverage issues
-          Most insurers may find it more prudent to settle with the insured or a TP than continue litigation and run the chance of being exposed to punitive or aggravated damages

Residential Oil Spills
-          Most HOFs typically have coverage due to direct damage of the insured's property as a result from residential fuel oil spill but generally exclude pollution liability to other TPs PD and BI
-          The TP pollution liability can be purchased back by the addition of an endorsement to the policy
-          Expert's advice needed by a loss adjuster for a residential oil spill claim are:
·         To control, stabilize and clean up of a spill with respect to covered property
·         To provide evidence for subrogation opportunities
-          Experts may also be hired to determine whether:
·         A tank was installed properly
·         Oil was delivered negligently
·         The furnace was inspected and cleaned appropriately
·         The delivery company providing the oil had a responsibility to inform the owner of any defect, and deterioration to the fuel line, or delivery conduits
-          Residential oil spill claims have been difficult for insurers because TP damages have been difficult to separate from direct damage to insured's property;  limitation of coverage should always be a matter of concern to the loss adjuster
-          Residential oil spills must be reported to the M.O.E or like authority;  if the insured is not available then it is the responsibility of the insurer to report the incident to M.O.E
-          Coverage may exist for direct damage to insured's property, like the building and contents, and for the soil underneath, which needs to be removed and replaced, but for surrounding land, not belonging to the insured may also need to be treated.  This may come as a direct order of the M.O.E but the surrounding areas may be excluded from the policy coverage, resulting in the insured to bear the cost
-          The direct damage to the insured's property must be appropriately treated in order to prevent any further PD or BI exposure;  if not properly treated, any future damages that occur could result in legal action against the insurer through vicarious liability of its negligence to undertake the work properly