Chapter 6 – Investigative
Issues in Property Losses
Relationship Management
in First Party Losses
The loss adjuster
should understand the insured's frame of mind shortly after a loss. The insured could be:
feeling traumatized and
displaying strange and
unpredictable behaviour
exhibiting emotional
embarrassed about the
initial outbursts
worried about their
business's ability to survive a loss
The loss adjuster
should show empathy and concern when initially speaking with the insured; the
loss adjuster should show a caring attitude, and a willingness to listen
patiently within a professional relationship
The loss adjuster to
provide some sort of stability should instruct the insured on the process of
how the claim will proceed and advise the insured of tasks to do in order for
the insured to do something concrete; this will help the insured to start
moving forward after the loss, be therapeutic, and ultimately it is the
insured's responsibility under the policy
v. Guardian Insurance Company of Canada - punitive damages were assessed against the
defendant (insurer) in part because the loss adjuster disregarded the insured's
right and was found to be insulting and arrogant towards the insured
Miscellaneous Issues
for the Property Loss Adjuster
A conflict of interest
situation for the loss adjuster are:
Two separate claimants
involved in one loss and both represented by the same adjuster firm
The loss adjuster has a
relationship with the claimant which is beyond the scope of the claim; e.g. the loss adjuster and claimant have a
romantic relationship outside of the claim
The loss adjuster has a
financial interest in the property affected by the loss; e.g. The loss adjuster is a neighbor to the
claimant and also suffered loss to his/her home as a result of the loss to the
claimant's property
If the loss adjuster
gets offers of free services or free merchandise in connection with a claim
they should not be accepted; by
accepting then the loss adjuster could be accused of a conflict of interest
If the loss adjuster
has a stake in the business that is bidding for the work then the loss adjuster
should not use this company in order to avoid a conflict of interest
The loss adjuster
should be aware of potential subrogation issues against others responsible for
the loss and a possibility of the insured being sued if the insured was
responsible for the loss; the loss
adjuster should be aware of the policy's responsibilities, limitations and
exclusions when dealing with a claim
An insured may have
multiple policies which may respond to a loss.
Multiple policies will affect the loss investigation by:
Seeing what direct and
indirect damage is covered by which policy; e.g. A business suffers a fire loss
and one policy will cover the damage to the property while another policy will
cover the business interruption
Complexity may bring in
other policies that were indirectly affected; e.g. The property where the
business was being conducted was leased and the landlord's property policy will
respond to some of the direct damage caused by the fire. The insured's policy will respond to the
tenant's improvements and betterments.
Also, if the insured is responsible for the loss there could be a
possibility that the landlord and other tenants could present legal action against the insured
The loss adjuster must
explain to the insured how each part of the claim will be handled and also
obtain the necessary information to resolve the claim; the loss adjuster must know what are the
insurer's responsibilities and what are the insured's responsibilities as
outlined in each policy contract
The loss adjuster needs
to obtain the most accurate version of the loss event and often dealing with
multiple insurers due to multiple policies, the information each insurer needs
may be irrelevant to another insurer
Safety Issues for Loss
The site where the loss
occurred could be dangerous; e.g. Fumes
may still be emanating from the fire and damage to the structure could cause
integrity issues for the building
The loss adjuster
should visit the loss site only after the authorities have declared it safe
The loss adjuster
should use common sense, intuition and trust our senses when visiting a loss
site; e.g. the loss site is in the part
of the city where the crime rate is high, common sense advises not to visit the
site alone and at odd hours in the evening or in the night
In the cases where
limitations or exclusions negatively impact the claim the insured could become
angry and be verbally threatening; the
loss adjuster should consider any threat seriously and react accordingly to
protect themselves in a civilized way
Good Faith Dealings
Triggers for Bad
Faith Claims; for a finding of bad faith dealings, the insurer's
conduct in investigating, assessing, or responding to the claim must be
outrageously extreme; triggers of bad
faith claims have the following questions that need to be asked are:
Did the loss adjuster
or insurer act promptly?
Did the loss adjuster
or insurer act competently?
Was the loss
investigated thoroughly?
Claim File Documentation
The claim file must
show how the loss adjuster handled the claim
What did the loss
adjuster do in relation to the investigation to allow the insurer to make a
decision on issues like coverage or on the amount of the claim?
Insured's Financial Situation
The loss adjuster
knowing that the insured is in a financial bind should NOT present a lower
settlement in order to take advantage of the situation
Unsubstantiated rumors
should not be documented in a claims file unless there is a good reason to do
Humor is not
appropriate in claims file especially if it demeans the insured
Even if humorous
remarks are not intended to demean the insured, they could be misconstrued and
twisted into showing they are demeaning resulting in a bad faith lawsuit
The loss adjuster
should remain sympathetic to the insured's interests and show respect for the
insured's rights
Coverage Analysis
The loss adjuster
should document coverage issues and his/her analysis of why coverage remains in
If the loss adjuster is
having trouble applying the policy language to the claim, this could be
interpreted that the wordings are ambiguous
The loss adjuster
should clearly explain how coverage is being decided; the loss adjuster should use words that are
easy to understand and his/her conduct should be transparent
If the loss adjuster
refers a case to counsel for an opinion about coverage, the file should be
documented carefully to ensure that the adjuster has approached it in an
appropriate way
If the insurer has
decided to deny a claim there must be credible evidence to support this
File Critique
Internal criticism of
file handling should not form any part of a claims file
If the insured sues the
insurer and the claims file has to be produced, the judge might conclude that the
adjuster acted incompetently if such notes appear in file
If a superior writes a
critique in the file, the court may interpret this as a failure of management
to step in and correct the situation; an
omission to act is also deemed negligent and could possibly lead to a bad faith
Any attempt to cover up
evidence would be considered bad faith dealing resulting in punishment by the
courts in either aggravated damages or worse yet, punitive damages
All correspondence
including any e-mails with reinsurers may be considered part of the claim file
Any notes the loss
adjuster has used or developed in the investigation might have to be produced
to the courts and only the facts of the investigation should be
documented; Personal opinions or
judgments about the insured should not be in the claim file
The loss adjuster
should not rely on his/her memory when a discussion has occurred with the
insured; all discussions, if not
recorded, should be summarized in the claim file in an objective and fact based
The file should include
a log of all telephone calls and other activities that were undertaken during
the time the claim was being handled and also include who the conversation was
with, like the insured or any other parties to the claim
If the loss adjuster or
other party asks the insured to undertake an activity to further the
investigation of the claim, and the
insured doesn't comply, this should be documented for both the activity that
was requested and the lack of results
When an activity is
requested from the insured, a reasonable deadline needs to be set for the
insured to complete the task; document
any delays, extensions and/or passing of deadlines conducted by the insured
Commercial insureds who
have been in business for many years are very sophisticated in their knowledge
of insurance law
The loss adjuster
should let the insured know that commercial claims are very complex and a
thorough investigation is needed
If the investigation
yields that the claim is covered, negotiations with a commercial insured are
often strenuous, requiring a great deal of facts and tact to persuade the
insured into a fair and reasonable settlement
Procedural Manuals
In a court setting the
insured's counsel may ask the insurer to produce its claims manual and any hint
within the insurer's operation there is a conspiracy not to pay claims would
fuel the bad faith law suit
Responsibility of Expert
The insurer must take
responsibility for hiring a particular expert
The insurer would not
be able to defend against aggravated/punitive action because the expert was
The insurer should be
sure that the evidence collected through a thorough investigation shows the
insured to be presenting a fraudulent (arson) claim; if the evidence is strong but there are
reasonable explanations that could lead that the evidence collected is purely
coincidental, the insurer should consider settling the claim
If an insurer denies a
claim based on arson and in court the evidence is interpreted to be favorable
for the insured (plaintiff) then the judge could award aggravated or punitive
damages to the plaintiff; Whitten v.
Pilot Insurance
If the insurer is sued,
counsel for the insurer will usually look to avoid producing the claims file;
lawyer/client and work product privilege provide some protection for the
If the insurer is able
to show it was operating in good faith while handling the claim, then in
confidence the insurer can waive any privilege; however, once documents have
been shared with the insured they are no longer considered privileged and have
to be produced if the matter goes to court
It is the insured that
must prove bad faith dealings and the insurer (loss adjuster) that should
always work in good faith when an insured presents a loss against the insurance
Fire Site Investigation
In a large fire loss
the loss adjuster can expect to find police and/or fire authorities securing
the site and limiting access to only its members
The Fire Marshall will
often prohibit site access to everyone until s/he completes the
investigation; after the Fire Marshall
has completed its investigation, the site will likely be transferred back to
the police or tenants depending on the situation
Permission to enter the
insured's premises by the loss adjuster is granted under the Statutory
Conditions (for almost all provinces) and QC General Conditions;
*QC General Conditions "Safeguarding and examination of property" (Item 3.6; Civil Code Article 2495) ...At the insurer's expense the insured shall permit the insurer to visit his/her premises and examine the insured's property"
*Statutory Conditions of all other provinces "Entry, Control, Abandonment"
"At the insurer's expense the insured shall permit the insurer to visit his/her premises and examine the insured's property"
*QC General Conditions "Safeguarding and examination of property" (Item 3.6; Civil Code Article 2495) ...At the insurer's expense the insured shall permit the insurer to visit his/her premises and examine the insured's property"
*Statutory Conditions of all other provinces "Entry, Control, Abandonment"
"At the insurer's expense the insured shall permit the insurer to visit his/her premises and examine the insured's property"
The loss adjuster
should obtain authority from the owner of the property to begin work; in the case where the insured has leased the
premises, authority should be taken from the landlord and not the insured
before performing any work; the lease
agreement may govern access to the premises after a loss
The possible sources of
information for a fire claim are:
interview with the
person who discovered the fire
interview with the Fire
Chief and fire fighters who were at the site when the fire was ongoing
interview with the
neighbors about the appearance of the fire; what was the colour of the fire?
What was the odour that could be observed? Were there multiple areas where the
fire was observed?
hire a fire expert who
can determine the cause of fire and if there are any special circumstances that
have been observed
hire a locksmith or
alarm expert to comment on how systems operated during the fire
if the property was for
sale then an interview with the real-estate agent who was selling the property
as to the state of the home and reason the owners were selling the property
Basis of Settlement
Commercial Building,
Equipment and Stock Broad Form (CBESB Form), the indemnity agreement provides
the insurer will indemnify the insured using the following options, whichever
is less*:
The actual cash value (ACV)
of the property at the time of the loss or damage
The interest of the
insured in the property
The amount of insurance
specified on the "Dec Page" in respect of the property lost or
The stipulations to
satisfy the replacement cost endorsement are:
Replacement to occur
promptly and with due diligence
Replacement to take
place on the same site or adjacent site (commercial only)
The cost of the replacement
will be paid by the insurer once the work is completed
If the insured fails to
comply with the terms and conditions of the replacement cost endorsement then
the basis of settlement will revert back to the original policy terms (refer to
above "*")
Basis of settlement for
tenant's improvements and betterments under a commercial policy will be limited
When the repairs are
completed with due diligence
Collect the amount on
the repairs OR the actual cash value of the improvements as a whole, whichever
is less
If the tenant
improvements are not completed then the terms of settlement will be limited to:
The original cost of
the damaged improvements during the unexpired term of the lease, at the time of
the loss to the date the tenant improvements were to be completed or the
expiration date of the lease whichever comes first
The formula used to
determine the settlement is:
Unexpired term of the lease X Original Cost
Date improvement made to expiration date of lease
Example - A fire loss happens to Soryal's Beauty Shop. The premises was leased by the insured, Soryal. The building was reconstructed in 6 months and only then the improvements by Soryal were able to begin. Soryal found another place to do her business while construction of the building was in process and only had 4 months left on her lease after the building was reconstructed. The improvements would cost about $10,000 and would take 5 months to complete. Soryal opted not to repair her improvements as she continued business at another location. The insurer would pay:
4 months (expiration date of the lease) X $10,000 (original cost of repairs)
5 months (completion date for the repairs)
Unexpired term of the lease X Original Cost
Date improvement made to expiration date of lease
Example - A fire loss happens to Soryal's Beauty Shop. The premises was leased by the insured, Soryal. The building was reconstructed in 6 months and only then the improvements by Soryal were able to begin. Soryal found another place to do her business while construction of the building was in process and only had 4 months left on her lease after the building was reconstructed. The improvements would cost about $10,000 and would take 5 months to complete. Soryal opted not to repair her improvements as she continued business at another location. The insurer would pay:
4 months (expiration date of the lease) X $10,000 (original cost of repairs)
5 months (completion date for the repairs)
$8,000 would be paid since the expiration date of the lease was less
than the completion date of the improvements
Valuing Destroyed
Most common method used
to determine ACV is Replacement Cost -
Another method to
determine ACV is using the fair market
value of the property at the time of the loss as was illustrated in the
case law Canadian National Fire Insurance
Company v. Colonsay Hotel; the property will be compared to other similar
properties selling price at the time of the loss
The most unique method
of determining the ACV is the income
approach which is used to determine the value of the property by assessing
the income that it will generate
Example - If the property was a commercial plaza the amount of rental income it would generate will determine what the value of the property is to be worth at the time of the loss. In good condition the property would be worth more and in a disrepair state the property would likely generate less rental income and be worth less
Example - If the property was a commercial plaza the amount of rental income it would generate will determine what the value of the property is to be worth at the time of the loss. In good condition the property would be worth more and in a disrepair state the property would likely generate less rental income and be worth less
When disputes as to the
value of the property occur between claimant and the insurer, the statutory
conditions in the common law provinces provide an option for appraisal process
The Appraisal process
is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) tool intended to be a speedy and efficient
means of settling disputes over property repairs and/or values
For this process to
occur the insured must complete and submit a proof of loss (POL) before
invoking an appraisal process
The appraisal process
is completed as follows:
The insurer obtains an
appraisal of the damages and advises the insured of the results of the report
The insured disputes
the insurer's report and submits a POL stating a different value for the
The insurer sends a
letter to the insured advising them to get their own appraisal with their own
licensed appraiser within a certain time frame (usually 7 to 14 days) to
support their position; insured complies
and submits the appraisal report to the insurer's appraiser
Prior to the appraisers
reviewing the other's report they first agree upon an umpire
The appraiser attempt
to persuade one another of their positions and if possible come to an agreement
on the matter in dispute; if they cannot
then they submit their reports to the umpire
The umpire upon review
will decide which of the sides is most favorable OR based on the information
contained in the reports comes to a final resolution that best serves the
insured and insurer (often a middle ground);
the umpire will allow a controlled debate, and once s/he comes to a decision
only needs one of the appraisers to agree and the matter is then considered
The umpire and one
other appraiser agreement makes the resolution binding on all parties
The only time this
decision can be overruled is if one of the parties shows that the umpire had a
conflict of interest, like having a stake in the business of one of the
appraisers involved in the dispute or had some sort of improper relationship
with one of the parties or appraisers outside of the dispute
Either party to the
dispute can invoke the appraisal process after the insured submits the
completed POL
If one of the parties
refuses to participate in the appraisal process then the court will appoint an
appraiser on their behalf the above process will be followed
The reports submitted
by each appraiser to the umpire will usually contain the following information:
Appraiser's opinion
regarding the value
Policy detains,
including the underwriting file if it is relevant to the dispute
Repair estimates or
Total loss value (depending on the situation)
Any analysis already
comparing different estimates
Completed POL
Evidence of any
payments already paid on file
Pics or video footage
of the damages
Engineering reports or
other expert reports that support their position
Summary of information
that relates to the determination of the value
Appraisers, prior to
submitting their reports to the umpire, will agree to who should submit which
documents to avoid any duplication
Other Sources of
Public sources of
information that can be used in the investigation outside of interview with
witnesses and the insured are:
Property records
Court records
The internet
City Halls carry
information of public records like:
Ownership (o/s) of
Original dates of
Permits of construction
Permits of renovations
Permit of construction
related to prior losses
Code violations
Whether or not the
building was suitable to be occupied
For commercial
properties there could be permits for repair of the building filed by tenants
but the owner hasn't complied with these permits; this could be a source of deduction for the
settlement of the claim
Privacy Legislation
Individuals have a
right to know why personal information is being requested and the purpose for
which it will be used
An individual has the
right to examine personal information an organization might have on file about
Personal Information
Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PPEDA) balances the individual's right
to privacy with an organization's need to collect, use and disclose such
information for legitimate business purposes
The privacy officer's
role is:
Being responsible for
protecting personal information collected by the insurer of the insured
Overseeing the
responsible collection and use of personal information
To deal with inquiries
and challenges pertaining to personal information collected on insureds
To set controls to prevent
unauthorized persons from accessing information collected by the insurer
Some provinces have
enacted their own privacy laws and loss adjusters should be aware of these laws
as they apply to adjusters and their activities
Handling Evidence
Quick action is needed
to ensure evidence is preserved and available for the courts, if necessary
The expert needed for a
loss will depend on the cause of loss and whether an expert is needed depending
on the value of the loss
Loss adjusters will
normally take pics of the loss themselves; the pics should be relevant to the
A ruler or some article
in the picture may be needed to establish the size of the article, which is the
subject of the photograph
Taking pics of the
damage, the site location and all points of view of the damage may become
necessary to sort out the claim and preserve evidence later on
Pics should be taken as
soon as possible after the loss; most cases that go to court will often take
several years and pics will help keep the focus of what the damages were close
to the date of loss
Certain cameras have a
date and time imprinting feature which is useful for documenting an insurance
Depending if the claim
is complex, or worth a lot of money, or there are coverage issues, the loss
adjuster may hire a professional to analyze the cause or the amount of the loss
and produce a report to establish the value of the damages and the cause of
The objective of the
adjuster is to set the person being interviewed at ease and document the
necessary background information
Before the interview
the adjuster should have questions prepared which is necessary to fill in the
gaps that exist in the file
Example - in the case of a fire loss the loss adjuster would ask the following questions:
Example - in the case of a fire loss the loss adjuster would ask the following questions:
When and how did the
fire occur?
Who called the fire
What colour was the
fire? What was the odour of the
fire? How many points of fire were seen?
Where was the person,
who is being interviewed when the fire occurred?
The adjuster, when
interviewing the insured, should ask questions that establish insurable
interest, any questions that relate to the policy contract, and if all terms in
the contract were complied with by the insured
If there were prior
losses suffered by the insured which were similar, the adjuster should ask the
insured about these prior loss and verify the information recorded in the
For commercial losses
dealing with fire, the loss adjuster will ask many questions about the
insured's business; the number of
questions will depend on the size of the insured's business
The interview should
begin with simple, direct, non-threatening questions, then follow up with
open-ended questions
During the interview it
is important to listen and allow the narrator as much time and encouragement
s/he needs to reveal the facts; the
adjuster should acknowledge that s/he is listening the when the interview is
taking place
When the statement
giver provides ambiguous or vague answers the adjuster should follow up with
questions that clarify what the statement giver was saying
The adjuster will
usually have a list of questions that need to be answered, as requested by the
insurer; these questions are often
boiler plate pre-printed; however, the
adjuster should ask any question that is necessary in order to clarify any
ambiguity presented by the statement giver;
a loss adjuster's instincts and natural curiosity should not be
substituted for a checklist of pre-printed questions, but compliment them
The reason it is
important to obtain insured's and witnesses' statements promptly is for the
following reasons:
Provides a map which
can direct an investigation
Valuable and permanent
record of the statement giver's recollection while the details are still fresh
in the person's mind
Aid to memory; if the statement giver is to testify in court
it may be a long period of time from when the statement was originally given,
and reviewing the statement prior to giving a sworn statement in court will
help jog the person's memory
If the statement
provided was an "alibi" statement it can be used to support the
statement giver or it can uncover inconsistencies; often a follow up statement when it comes to
inconsistencies is warranted for clarification
Statements can also be
used to damage the credibility of the statement giver should the
inconsistencies arise in court testimony
A statement giver may
refuse a signed statement, however the statement can still be used a credible
record of discussion if not signed
After taking a
statement allow the statement giver to read the statement and record any
objections even if they refuse to sign it
If the statement
provided by the statement giver is later disavowed and contradicted, then
his/her credibility will be undermined
Many policies provide
the insurer the right to an examination under oath of the insured; when an examination under oath is undertaken,
a court reporter will record the interview;
this right is only if the insurer is still in the process of
investigation, once the claim is denied this right is no longer available to
the insurer
Suspicious Claims
If a claim seems
suspicious it doesn't necessarily mean the claim is fraudulent
The actions of the
insured after the loss are as important as the action taken during and before
the loss; the actions taken after the
loss may allow a glimpse into the insured's frame of mind
Small clues should not
be overlooked and any suspicion into the actions of the insured should lead the
adjuster to investigate more thoroughly
Arson fraud, like any
fraud, can be motivated by circumstances, and for commercial insured's, asking
questions which allow the adjuster to better understand the business operation
and status at the time of the loss will provide clues as to why an insured
would commit to the action of arson
If a mortgage clause is
attached to the policy, the insurer might still be obligated to pay the
mortgagee for its interest in the property;
the reason the insurer may choose to do this is to assume the position
of the mortgagee and:
foreclose on the
sell the property in
order to recoup part of the loss
attempt to subrogate
the loss payment made to the mortgagee from the insured, especially if the
insured has somehow breached a policy condition
If the claim is paid
and later discovered to have been fraudulent, insurers can take the action to
have the claimants reimburse the insurance money paid on the claim
Restitution is
available to the insurer if a claim is shown to be fraudulent and the
insured/claimant is convicted of fraud by the criminal courts
The insurer, in the
situation of restitution can request from the insured/claimant to repay funds:
obtained by fraud
cost of the
general and punitive
The loss adjuster's
actions when they have enough evidence to allege arson fraud will not fuel a
defamation suit against them or the insurer, even if the court finds the
insured/claimant not guilty of arson;
the adjuster should be prepared for the insured/claimant to threaten
defamation lawsuit against them and the insurer
Proof of Loss (POL)
Advance payments to the
insured when a serious loss has occurred is not a basis of an estoppel if later
in the course of the investigation the claim is to be discovered fraudulent;
however, before making an advance payment the loss adjuster should be
reasonably certain that no condition exists that would vitiate the claim
When an insurer rejects
a POL the insurer cannot later rely on the contents of the POL as the basis to
deny the claim; the insurer has an
obligation to the insured when rejecting the POL, and must:
show the insured what
was deficient in the POL
to request the
necessary actions/docs to correct the situation
to send a letter to the
insured outlining details needed in order to properly document the claim so it
can be considered for payment
If the loss adjuster
accepted the POL without notifying the insured that it was deficient, and later
denied the claim because the POL was incomplete, the court would grant relief
for the insured due to imperfect compliance, as it was the duty of the insurer
(loss adjuster) to give the insured opportunity to furnish a POL with all the
necessary details before paying the claim
v. Beothic General Insurance - permit the statutory
conditions to empower the insurer to invalidate a claim where the insured
commits any fraud or makes willfully false statement with respect to the
information furnished in the completed and submitted POL by the insured
The insured is
permitted to exaggerate on the value of the claim, and this exaggeration is not
considered to be a fraudulent act; it is considered part of the negotiation
However, exaggeration
that cross the bounds that are considered reasonable may constitute as fraud.
Example - The insured owned a small clothing boutique, suffered a fire loss and claimed $100,000 in stock was destroyed. After the loss adjuster completed the investigation, only $22,500 of stock was present in the store and destroyed due to the fire. The insurer denied the claim based on the exaggeration of the amount was unreasonable.
Example - The insured owned a small clothing boutique, suffered a fire loss and claimed $100,000 in stock was destroyed. After the loss adjuster completed the investigation, only $22,500 of stock was present in the store and destroyed due to the fire. The insurer denied the claim based on the exaggeration of the amount was unreasonable.
Time frames for payment
of claims will be determined by the Statutory Conditions (common law) or
General Conditions (CCQ). Once an
insured submits a signed and completed POL, the insurer must pay the amount
within 60 days or provide a reason for rejection. If the insurer doesn't provide a reason for
rejection or any type of communication, after the 60 day mark has expired, the
insured can launch a law-suite against the insurer demanding payment based on
default judgement
In the case where
multiple insureds are affected by the loss and only one of the insured commits
fraud, the courts have deemed that the policy was not clear as to what should
happen in such a case and the innocent insured was granted relief; the insurer had to pay the innocent
insured; however, there were court cases
in similar circumstances where the judge ruled all parties to a fraud are unable
to recover under the policy and there is no such thing as an innocent insured
if fraud is committed by any one of the multiple insureds
Defence Against Arson
Insurance Fraud
NFPA = National Fire
Protection Association
NFPA developed a guide
to help improve fire investigation processes and the quality of information
gathered in investigations
NFPA advocates the use
of scientific evidence where empirical data is gathered and analyzed to form a
hypothesis that can be tested
The three (3)
classification types for origins, according to NFPA are:
- purposely caused by arson or some deliberate act; e.g. the man set his car on
fire using gasoline and matches
- caused by fortuitous means; e.g. the fire started due to lose wires in a
electrical socket which sparked causing the appliance to catch on fire
Unknown Origin
- cause of the fire is unidentified; e.g. the fire originated in the kitchen
but the Fire Marshall is unsure of how the fire started. The cause of fire is still under
Motive on the part of
the insured is an important issue that must be proven in order to successfully
defend a claim of arson leading to the denial of the claim and conviction of
insurance fraud
The motive for fire can
be uncovered by asking the following questions:
How will the insured
profit from the arson?
Has the insured made a
personal guarantee to the bank for a large loan? Is the bank putting a great
deal of pressure on the insured to come up with the cash or declare bankruptcy?
Does the insured hold
an undesirable lease or contract?
Is the insured's
business failing? Does the fire allow
the insured to leave the business because it can't sell do to its current
failing status?
Has the supplier for
the insured declared bankruptcy and the insured is unable to meet the demands
of customers because there is no more stock to sell?
Has the insured moved
irreplaceable records of expensive equipment just prior to the loss?
Another motive that may be possible for arson is the poor
condition of the premises before the loss;
dry rot, termite damage or some serious defect has rendered the building
inhabitable and as such is difficult to dispose of or difficult to maintain
The adjuster may need
to hire a forensic accountant to investigate the financial position of the
insured prior to the loss to uncover the motive for the arson
Motive is not the only
aspect of proving arson; the adjuster
must also prove that the fire was set and that the insured had opportunity
The opportunity of the
insured could be through an accomplice, either through friendship or hired to
commit the arson; the criminal
investigation by the authorities will be very helpful at trial in a civil
proceeding, if the insurer decides to deny the claim based on arson fraud
The opportunity of the
insured must be clear and should show that it would be unlikely any other
person would have the motive and opportunity to set the fire except the insured
The adjuster should
investigate if the insured has had prior loses in order to show a history
frequent insurance claims
Polygraph Testing
This is a controversial
practice that is not widely used and has limited acceptance
The reason that this
practice is not widely accepted is that psychologists have stated there is no
specific "lie response"; there is no agreement in the scientific or
legal circles as to the reliability of the polygraph test results
Researches on polygraph
have stated that any test showing deception on the part of the participant may
also be a "false positive";
i.e. a truthful person may be judged to be lying
If the insured is asked
to submit to a polygraph test then there is no law that forces the insured to
partake in this request; the insured
submits to the polygraph voluntarily
The stages in a
polygraph test are:
Pre-test interview
Collection of data
Analysis of the data
The theory of the
polygraph is based on that controlled questions are asked which the participant
would not lie to; their physiological
responses are recorded and considered to be "truthful data"; once a question is asked which causes the
participant to lie, the physiological response will be different to those of
the truthful questions and therefore "prove" the participant is
providing a deceptive response
The polygraph examiner
analyzes the results and renders an opinion as to whether or not answers are
truthful; the polygraph examiner's
subjective opinion and the skill of the examiner is an important element in the
Public Adjusters
Solicit insureds for
the opportunity to represent their interests when a loss of a certain magnitude
Public adjusters role
in a claims process are:
prepare and present
contents and building claims to insurers
prepare an agency
agreement to be signed by the insured
charge a certain % fee
based on the amount of the claim; smaller % to the building and a larger % to
the contents; %s range from 5% to 8%
be licensed in the
province where they operate in order to conduct business
at the insured's
request be a loss payee on any settlement funds
obtain the best results
possible on behalf of the insured for the claim presented
New York, USA does not
allow a public adjuster to charge more than 12.5% on a fee for a claim